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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission (NCAC)
April 28, 2011
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission held a meeting on Thursday, April 28, 2011 at 7:00 PM at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT.

Members Present: Martin Blanco, Jennifer Johnston, Rob Kaiser, Donna Mangiafico, Donna Monteleone Randle, Robert Rabinowitz, and Jennifer Rogers

Members Absent: Emily Howard and Linda Watson

Auxiliary Members Present:  None

Guests:  None

Jennifer Johnston called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.

The minutes of the March 24, 2011 meeting were approved as written.

Officer Reports:
Jen Rogers shared information about the Live at Edmond Town Hall event.  David Wheeler is finishing up promotional materials.  Jen asked members to contact her if there is another opportunity for a rewards promotion.  

Jen Rogers reported that a local photographer has offered to take pictures for arts events.  Jen will check with him to see if he is available for the May 21st pre-show and Flagpole Radio Café show.

Jennifer Johnston discussed the recent HVCA Networking forum.  It was an interesting session with lots of information shared.  More information can be found on the HVCA website.

Programs and Events:
  • Pre-show Reception – Robert Rabinowitz distributed copies of the invitations.  He will also send a copy via email for folks to forward to VIPs.  Dental Associates of Connecticut will pay for the wine/cheese & crackers.  NCAC Members were asked to recruit family and friends to help.  
  • Martin Blanco discussed the May 21 Flagpole Radio Café show.  He is waiting for confirmation from the guest artist.  Martin also shared the financial report from Show 5.
  • Donna Mangiafico provided an update from the Arts Festival Planning Group.  The next meeting is May 13, 2011 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers.  
Jennifer Johnston met with Liz Stocker, EDC Director to discuss grants.  She will also discuss grants with the Town Attorney and Finance Director and report back.  Martin Blanco suggested contacting the Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County for their input.  Jennifer will set up a meeting for the end of June.

NCAC Members voted unanimously to approve the proposed amendments to the Bylaws.

Rob Kaiser will add the Arts Festival Art Contest Forms to the website. Jen Rogers offered to maintain the calendar.  Jen asked Rob to add a link to view the current issue of Arts News and Arts Festival updates.

NCAC Open Position:  
NCAC Members voted to adhere to the bylaws Article III, Section 4 – three consecutive, unexcused absences of any board member will be considered notice of termination in order to submit notice to the First Selectman’s office of Emily Howard’s membership termination.  Emily Howard has not submitted her resignation in writing in the several months following her verbal resignation.  Donna will send a letter to the First Selectman.

Public Participation:  None

Other Business:

Martin Blanco shared information about the Shakesperience Production at McLaughlin Vineyards on May 22.  

Martin also summarized the recent CT Commission of Arts and Tourism conference.  The Peer Grant program has been very successful.  Martin questioned whether or not the NCAC should apply for another grant and for what area – technology, marketing, project management, etc.

Robert Rabinowitz discussed sponsoring a battle of the bands at the High School.  It may be possible to organize this type of event as part of the Arts Festival.

Next Meeting:
The next meeting of the NCAC is scheduled on Thursday, May 26, 2011, 7:00 PM, Meeting Room 1, Newtown Municipal Center.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:13 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Donna Mangiafico
Our Mission:  To create a greater awareness of the arts in our community
through educating, enhancing, and promoting diverse cultural opportunities for Newtown.